sábado, 21 de junho de 2008

Bullying e Cyberbullying: bons tempos em que as pelejas eram musicais...

Types of bullying

Emotional Bullying

Name Calling, not just calling you names but calling your loved one names this can be very hurtful.

Ignoring you, leaving you out of games or not talking to you, (blanking you)
Threatening you, by saying an older brother or sister is going’ to hurt you, or they are waiting for you after school.

Making some one do something against their will. Bullies can pretend they are your friends and try and get you in to trouble, be strong and say no to them.

Taking your things from you, this doesn’t have to be expensive things; it could be one sock when you do PE or taking your pens and pencils.
Damaging your belongings, again this doesn’t have to be expensive it could be a piece of work you have done and it could be damaged or ripped before you hand it in.

Physical Bullying

Hitting, kicking, biting, scratching, pushing, tripping you up on purpose. Anything that hurts you by touching you is physical bullying. This is also a criminal offence and nobody is allowed to hit you.

Indirect Bullying

Spreading Rumours,

talking about you behind your back and saying things that are not true or will hurt you
‘The bad eyes’, someone glaring or giving you threatening looks, this is very difficult to prove but can be just as distressing

Technological Bullying

Internet abuse,

with modern technology we can create websites to share with our friends. Putting pictures of people on the internet is very dangerous as we do not know who will see the pictures, it is also possible to say nasty things about people
Chat rooms, using MSN or other chat rooms to threaten someone or talk about someone
Abusive text messages, sending nasty text messages and not knowing who they are from
Happy Slapping, this is when you use a phone or a video camera and film someone being slapped or attacked unknowingly. This is assault and we would always advise you to report any happy slapping incident to the police.

2 comentários:

Clitoriz Feliz disse...

Rise and shine!
The shortest night is over!

Opus Dei disse...

Tenta descansar um bocadinho. Aproveita o Sol, o Verão, a LUZ